Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2 months??? Where did you go?


Oh my! I didn't realize how long it had been since I posted last. Sorry to my dedicated readers, however few of you there are. :) I'll try to do better as the year winds down and 2009 begins!

Today has been another typical day at our house.. Serenity stayed home this morning from school because of a stomach ache. About 11:30 she decided she could stand the pain and went to school. (I think she's trying desperately to NOT repeat last year's attendance record which included many missed days of school.)

I decided that since she was a trooper I should probably do the same and brought Alex to preschool. (this is no easy task, with Isaac and Elijah in tow!)

The little boys rested well, after a fun-filled vacuum experience. Isaac has taken to "bakuuming" with me. Thankfully, all my base molding is solid wood, not to be dented or scuffed by my hard working 2 year old. As usual, I found myself doing something unintended as I cleaned the floors.. under the refrigerator.. yuck!

I spent the quiet hours of nap time editing, chatting and talking on the phone. It wasn't overly restful for me, but I was able to make my first sale as an Independent Demonstrator for Uppercase Living. Thanks sis. ;)

Upon the big kids getting home from school, I realized that my darling daughter wasn't feeling any better. She spent the snack time lounging on/near me at which time I discovered her roasting forehead. To my surprise, her temp was 102.5! Poor girl.. Ask-a-nurse reported that there have been several cases of a fever virus going around... I quickly responded with a comment I had made a few days ago.. that we're all seemingly healthy.. As with most of life, it's bound to change!

In an attempt to be a better planner and healthy eater/food preparer, the split pea soup is fragrantly simmering in the crock pot awaiting Ben's arrival home from work.

That's it for now as the rest of the day is a mystery. I hope yours goes well.