Wednesday, July 23, 2008


For the past 3 years, Serenity has gone to bible camp with her cousin. Each year they've had a blast and insisted on going the next year. It's so fun to see the excitement they have, not only to spend that time together, but to spend it away from parents and in a completely different environment.

They had a new challenge this year.. a less than cohesive room-mate situation. I could envision a problem after the five minutes I spent in the room with the roommate helping Serenity get her bunk made and her things unpacked.. poor girls, that's all I have to say!

Needless to say, girls will be girls and the drama was only magnified with the addition of the roommate. They had a good time avoiding the roommate and laughing at all the odd things she had to say. Ha, ha.

Who knows what next year might bring?! Thanks for all your help and support in making Serenity's camp experience a delightful one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I went to bible camp with a friend, back in junior high. I think we went about 3 years too, it was such a blast. I don't keep in touch with anyone we met, but it's fun to look back at the pictures and think about the things we did.

Too bad you can't send all your kids to camp at once, wouldn't that be nice. A little mommy time!