Friday, June 27, 2008

Isaac's 2 year stats

Isaac had his 2 year check up this morning. The boys and I made the trek to Fargo while Serenity was at volleyball camp. The clinic has gotten used to us and our stroller of kids coming to visit, even the pediatrician seems to recognize us.. (does that mean we're there too much?!)

Isaac was a good patient except for shutting the lights off in the exam room a few times. (maybe it's because I pre-medicated him expecting shots)

Some of the expectations for reaching his 2 year birthday include sleeping in a toddler bed (something we've avoided), speaking at least 50 words (the kid doesn't stop talking), starting to potty train (eeks!), walking up/down steps unassisted (as terrifying as it may be), running, climbing (um, it's a given), feeding himself with silverware, and a few other things that have slipped my mind. He was given an A+ for the year, in fact he hadn't been to the doctor except his regular check ups!

My little peanut has grown to be quite the average sized 2 year old!
Height: 34 1/2 inches 53% up from 31% at 18 months
Weight: 27 lbs. 6 oz. 36% up from 13% at 18 months
Head: 50 cm 83% up from 80% at 18 months

In keeping with my other children, he's big headed! ha ha! We only hope for the best in the next year for Isaac. (and for our sanity to remain intact)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture.

This will sound kinda silly, but what I love about the picture is his knees. The picture is just perfect, beautiful smile, great pose and then the scratched up knees and little bruises on the legs, it's just so real. All a part of childhood, running and falling and scratches and bruises.

Sometimes I look at Lincoln's legs and think someone's going to think I wack his legs all the time, there's so many little bumps and bruises. And now Miranda is getting her share too.

But I guess life wouldn't be interesting if you didn't have some bumps and bruises along the way.

Happy Birthday Isaac.