Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Screamer...

In the last few days Isaac has turned into a screamer. Not just any old scream either, of course it has to be the kind that makes your whole body cringe in anguish. I'd like to say that the scream accompanies some sort of pain but it seems to show it's nasty face any time it wants.. when I'm on the phone, when I'm trying to talk to the other kids, when he doesn't get what he wants, when the sun and the moon aren't perfectly aligned... Ugg!!

Needless to say, if you'd like to communicate with me or anyone else at my house, I'd recommend doing it via email or IM. (I've been telling my clients for over a year now that if they need to get a hold of me, it's better to email since it's much quieter, thank goodness they all have kids and understand.)

Share your thoughts, please!!


Lyz said...

I recommend lots of alone time. For you, of course, if you can get it. If not, for Isaac.

I frequently haul Ben to his room kicking and wailing - repeatedly- until he gives up or forgets what the fuss was about in the first place.

It's gotten so that we can say "go to your room" - and he DOES! Sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Would you need to borrow some earplugs?

I hope it's just a short phase for your sake and sanity.