Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bobner is coming tomorrow!

I had my final OB appointment yesterday. Each day this week has brought more and more changes in my contractions. (pain, frequency, duration, etc.) After speaking with my doctor, he said if I absolutely had to, I could reschedule my c-section for Friday, which is now tomorrow! After the night I had last night, I'm SOOO glad I did. I was awake most of the night from the contractions, which were even more painful than the night before.

The doctor checked my cervix yesterday and I was still closed.. but things are happening, and I won't go into the gross details.. you're welcome. ;)

Bobner's heart beat was 148-ish and my BP was 123/80.

Stay tuned for more details as they arise. I'm sure I'll be posting lots of pictures as I find the time. Thanks for all your prayers and support along this journey.

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