Monday, April 28, 2008

Tag anyone?

I've been tagged by two close friends, Liz and Stacie, and now have the pleasure of running around in circles chasing people in an attempt to tag you.. oh wait, this is virtual tag!

Here are the rules for playing.......the rules of tagging if you are inclined to following rules {if rule following is not your bag, do as you please, but heed the warning: the next time i am at your house i will dip my finger into your peanut butter jar. it will be awkward for all of us.}

1. link to the person that tagged you.
2. post the {very important} rules on your blog.
3. list 6 very unimportant, random nothings about yourself {should be an easy one}

-I broke my foot one summer between 5th and 6th grade. I tripped over my other foot?! What a clutz!

-When I grow up, I might like to become a nurse. (putting aside my years of education to be a teacher AND my current passion of being a photographer)

-I like banana flavored anything. (okay, maybe not "anything" but banana flavored food items for sure.)

-I've thought about getting a tattoo. (I don't think I ever will because the thought of a distorted ladybug on some weird location of my body scares me, ha!)

-Ice cream anyone?

-I'm afraid of the dentist! Eeks!

Since I have few blogging friends, I only have a few people to tag... so, you're it!

Price Family Blog
Hawley Family Blog

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