Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Oh son...

What a day my son has had. Isaac is always surprising me with his new antics and today was amazingly the most crazy day he's had!

1. Breakfast - Isaac discovered that the milk left in the bowl after eating cereal makes hair really sticky, especially when you dump it over your own head and laugh as it drips down your face.

2. The soap incident (the next post down)

3. Making dinner - Today I bought Bobner a bouncy seat and had is sitting on the table, thinking it was safe from Isaac and vice versa.. ha, ha.. WRONG! I was making dinner at the time and turned around to find my 21 month old sitting in the bouncy seat with the music and vibration on! He was perfectly content and looked very soothed.. I hope that's how it works for Bobner.

4. Dinner time - We're all sitting around the table eating and talking like we regularly do. I turned and looked at Isaac and realized his fork was on top of his head, balanced amidst the noodles and sauce from the Swedish Meatballs.. Ugg!! I couldn't help but laugh..

Tomorrow is a new day, but good grief, what can I expect?!

1 comment:

Lyz said...

Haha! Sounds like he is preoccupied with food and his own noggin. Shower caps? Or just a nightly shampoo?