Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What will he do next?!

It's always interesting at our house, rarely a dull moment even during naptime... Today is no different, and it's only 9:00 am!

I was putting an order together at the kitchen table, Alex was in the bathroom and Isaac was playing in the studio (or so I thought... hint, hint..)

I went to help Alex and caught a glimpse of Isaac in the studio.. with his back to the door, hand soap dispenser on the floor next to him... ugg! I walked in the studio and said his name in a stern voice to which he startled and made the most guilty face - eyes wide open, mouth saying "uh-oh".. he had been caught! Much to my surprise, he was cleaning up his very large soapy mess with a towel --> he knew he was wrong! I couldn't help but smile inside knowing that he had learned his lesson, the only troubling thought is that my 21 month old is already trying to hide things from me... hmmm... how scary!

1 comment:

Saima said...

sounds like my katelyn!!! I know I tell you that all the time... but they are so darn cute!