Saturday, January 5, 2008

Cousin Sophie

My brother John's little girl Sophie, is about to turn 18 months old. I've been asked many times to take her pictures but haven't formally had the opportunity. Over this weekend, we were visiting my dad, his wife and the family for our Christmas gathering and I brought some of my photography stuff to do a large family picture. I nabbed the chance at getting Sophie's picture cause she was super cute as always and really cheery! Although she didn't have a pretty dress on like I would have loved, she looks adorable!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is sooo Photogenic :))
We really enjoyed spending time with her. Sophie & her daddy stayed for Salmon on the grill yesterday and she really likes Grandpa Mike's cooking :)) With every bite of Salmon she gave a big mmmmmmm! She's a little shy but seemed to enjoy playing peek-a-boo with me :))) It was a great weekend! Grandma Pam