Saturday, January 12, 2008

Estrogen Fest

My dear friend Liz has hosted a girls only night, semiannually for a few years now. The night has been appropriately termed Estrogen Fest. This was the first time I've been able to attend so I wasn't sure what to expect. As part of the event, each guest was asked to bring an appetizer or dessert and a couple white elephant gifts to exchange.

The night was very tasty and fun. I ended up coming home with a pretty lame gift though, a Valentine's Bear and a very small stinky candle. I learned my lesson about white elephant gifts though, it's perfectly acceptable to bring stuff you don't really like yourself and are certain no one else might care for either. So, everyone consider yourself forewarned!

Thanks for hosting a great night and as always for chatting into the night!

1 comment:

Lyz said...

Hey this is great! I'm glad you had fun - it was great to get in a good visit without those miniature humans running around!

Thanks for the link, too!:)