Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Moon Sand... an unfortunate tale

Okay, so "Santa" brought Alex some moon sand this year, a blue and green bucket. For those of you that don't know what Moon Sand is, here's the product description,

Moon Sand is a specially formulated sand that molds just like dough, yet It will never dry out so you can use it again and again. Moon Sand can be squished, carved, molded, or sculped into any shape your mind can imagine.

Alex had a bucket of this stuff earlier this year but was forced, by me, to throw it away after he and it created a very large moon sandy mess all over the kitchen table, chair, floor, and his entire outfit for the day. As it turns out, "Santa" made quite a mistake in thinking that giving Alex a second chance with moon sand would be okay. This very morning, Alex opted to get out his moon sand to play with. I was optimistic for a while but as the playing continued, Alex found himself encircled in a 3 foot moon sand trap. The moon sand had attached itself to his shirt, pants, the chair he was sitting on, and surrounded him on the floor. Bleep, bleep!!!

So, please tell me, what is a mother to do? I can't very well blame "Santa" since he obviously had good intentions, but really, how can one play experience drive me to want to call the makers of moon sand and literally rip them a new one? I'm not a violent person, but honestly, this product is any mother's worst nightmare!


Stacie said...

I will have to agree with you on this one. Kenzie received moon sand for her birthday & we have played with it once! If I look hard enough, I'm sure there's still some stuck to her chair & the kitchen floor.

Saima said...

I too have made the moon sand mistake. Its so cute at first.. then bamm its everywhere.. I tried having them do it outside on the deck once.. but it still made its way into the house.